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时间:2024-04-27 13:16:55
1、复活节到了,愿你做一个真实的人,快乐的人,成功的人! Easter is coming. May you be a real, happy and successful person! 2、复活你的幸福,爱情甜蜜人羡慕。 Resurrect your happiness, love sweet people envy. 3、复活节到,愿你开心快乐! Easter is coming. May you be happy! 4、删除烦恼,让快乐复活。 Remove the troubles and revive the happiness. 5、幸福复活,装进你心房。 Happiness resurrected, into your heart. 6、愿快乐复活,铺满你脸庞。 May joy resurrect and fill your face. 7、复活你的真情,亲朋好友笑脸迎。 Resurrect your true feelings and welcome them with smiling faces. 8、复活节,让希望和美好复活,愿你有一个精彩。 Easter brings hope and beauty back to life. May you have a wonderful time. 9、把忧伤丢掉,让微笑复活。 Throw away the sadness and let the smile come back to life. 10、复活节到了,请忘记离开的黯然和失落,谨记复活的美好。 Easter is coming, please forget the sadness and loss of leaving and remember the beauty of resurrection. 11、用坚强让勇气复活,成功相随每一次。 With strong let courage resurrect, success with every time. 12、复活你的信心,工作事业天天顺。 Resurrect your faith and work well every day. 13、我们收集灿烂的阳光,复活如意。 We collect the bright sunshine and revive Ruyi. 14、让和谐美好的种子重生,赐予幸福好运。 Let the seeds of harmony and beauty be reborn, and give happiness and good luck. 15、复活节,褪去烦恼的枷锁,展开幸福的蝶翼,徜徉快乐的海洋! Easter, take off the shackles of worry, spread the wings of happiness, and roam the ocean of happiness! 16、愿你万事顺心,复活节快乐。 I wish you all the best and a happy Easter. 17、耶稣征服了死亡,所以藉著他,我们可以征服人生。复活节快乐! Jesus conquered death, so through him we can conquer life. Happy Easter! 18、复活节,历练简约坚强,体验和煦阳光! Easter, experience simple strong, experience warm sunshine! 19、用微笑让快乐复活,幸福相拥每一秒。 Let happiness revive with smile, happiness embraces every second. 20、面对挫折困难,复活对工作的进取之心。 In the face of setbacks and difficulties, revive the enterprising spirit of the work. 21、复活节,让我们脱胎换骨,*一次就把事情做的正确。祝您成功! Easter, let's be reborn and do things right the first time. I wish you success! 22、复活节到了,记得复活美好。 Easter is coming, remember the resurrection is good. 23、复活节,愿你在新的世界里,拥抱新生活,创造新人生,开辟新天地! On Easter, may you embrace a new life, create a new life and open up a new world in the new world. 24、复活节,愿你幸福“复活”,发财“复活”! Easter, I wish you a happy "Resurrection", rich "Resurrection"! 25、愿你美满复活,快乐复出,活出幸福滋味。 I wish you a happy resurrection, a happy resurrection, and a taste of happiness.





